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Infant Baptism

Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments.


Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: "Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word".

- Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213

We can’t wait to welcome your child into the life of Christ and our Church through Baptism.

To get started, please fill out the baptism inquiry form below. Once you have completed the form you will receive a confirmation email with more details of how to proceed.

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Postal address: PO Box 11027, Sockburn 8443

 Opening hours  

Tuesday to Friday

9am - 3:30pm

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