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Wonderful News from Our Recent Fundraiser!

Thanks to your generosity, our fundraiser for the Sisters of St. John in Guinea went wonderfully and helped build a significant part of their primary school, as we highlighted in previous newsletters. Now, we’re excited to announce our next mission to support another community in need.

St John Scholarship Programme in Cebu, Philippines

Following last year’s fundraiser, we have decided to support the Brothers of St. John in Cebu, Philippines. The Brothers have noticed that many families in their neighbourhood struggle to afford schooling for their children. In response to this need and inspired by the Gospel, they created a programme to sponsor children’s education.

Currently, the Brothers are supporting 31 children, primarily in secondary and tertiary education. Beyond education, they meet with the group every weekend for catechesis or life skills training in areas such as self-confidence, leadership, and event organisation. Throughout the year, they also organise outings and major formation sessions. Their goal is to nurture these young people in every aspect of their lives, helping them to grow into responsible, God-centred adults who can support their families financially and spiritually. After 25 years of this mission, the programme has produced graduates who have become teachers, bankers, policemen, and more.

Become a Co-Missionary with Us!

We invite you to join us as co-missionaries in this important work. Your generosity will give these children a real chance at a better future, helping to sustain the programme and the many initiatives that are transforming lives.

On the weekend of 28/29 September, we will have a second collection during our Masses to benefit these children in Cebu.

Envelopes will be available in all three Churches or you can donate via Internet Banking:

03 1592 0207746 20 (Reference: CEBU)

If you feel called to share, please consider donating and becoming our co-missionary in this meaningful endeavour. Thank you for your continued support, and may God bless you abundantly!

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