to our Parish
A place where you are embraced with love
and always find your home in God's family
Our journey to easter
Lenten Family Retreat Day
During this season of Lent, we reflect on God's incredible love for us. He seeks us, not to condemn us, but to forgive and heal us. Bring your family and spend a day together discovering the profound mercy of our Father.
Men’s Lenten Programme
Men participating in Exodus 40 are invited to join a Holy Hour of Adoration on Wednesday mornings at 6:15 AM at St Teresa’s Church.
Last day to share your feedback!
Today is the final day for feedback on our Parish's project!
Please take a moment to review the information we've shared below and let us know your thoughts. Your input is truly valuable to us!
Lenten Reconciliation
Lenten Reconciliation
Wednesday, 9 April between
6pm - 8pm at OLV
Palm Sunday
Holy week begins with Palm Sunday (or Passion Sunday). There will be an extra Mass at OLV at 7am.
Chrism Mass
7.30 at St Mary’s Pro Cathedral. Please note there is no 5.30pm Mass at OLV.
Join Bishop Michael and the Priests of the Diocese as they renew their priestly promises, the Oils of Catechumens & the Infirmed are blessed, while the Oil of Chrism is consecrated.
Holy Thursday
On Holy Thursday we celebrate the Mass of the Last Supper.
7.30pm OLV & St Bernadette’s Adoration till Midnight at OLV only
8.00pm St Teresa’s Adoration till midnight
Please note that there is no 12.05pm or 5.30pm Mass on Holy Thursday
Good Friday
The Passion of the Lord’s liturgy is celebrated on Good Friday.
10am Stations of the Cross - OLV
3pm - OLV
3pm - St Teresa’s
3pm -St Bernadette’s
6pm - OLV
Holy Saturday
8pm - Easter Vigil - OLV (OCIA Candidates received into the Church at this Mass)
8pm - Easter Vigil - St Teresa’s
Please note that there is no 9:15am nor 12.05pm Mass on Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday Masses
7am - OLV
8am - St Teresa’s
9am - OLV
10am - St Teresa’s
10.30am St Bernadette’s
11am - OLV
5pm -OLV
Women’s Lenten Programme
Thursday nights at St Teresa’s Hall, followed by Adoration in the Church at 8:30 PM.
The Way of the Cross
Will be prayed weekly on Fridays, after the 5.30pm Mass at Our Lady of Victories.
(Please note no confessions during stations).
Holy Hour & Novena to the Mother of Perpetual Help
Join us every Saturday at 5:00 PM at St. Bernadette’s, before the Vigil Mass.
The Rosary is also prayed during Holy Hour.
All are welcome to participate in these beautiful devotions!
Anointing Mass
Mass with Anointing Tuesday, 8April t 1.30pm at OLV
*Mass only no afternoon tea

Loving for Life - Adolescence and Relationships Programmes

Our Journey to Easter

Volunteers Needed

Holy Hour at St Bernadette’s